Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Jerome Corsi stating Jews are the problem, but...

I just wanted to bang out a quick blog entry on Jerome Corsi who is best known for his book regarding the Obama Birth Certificate debacle. And to Corsi's credit, no doubt he is absolutely correct on this point, and perhaps on many other points (or issues) as well. I see him as a useful source of information, but there is a point he makes which will lead so many of his readers/followers off of a steep cliff (spiritually)!

Sandy Rios (of the American Family Association) interviewed Corsi, and here is his statement. I will offer a brief explanation below:
Rios, who earlier asserted that secular Jews often “turn out to be the worst enemies of the country,” asked Corsi about the “powerful Jewish forces behind the ACLU.” Corsi said that such forces are trying to make America “abandon the Judeo-Christian tradition” and therefore abandoning “values that are fundamental lynchpins of our freedom.”
Rios: I know that there are powerful Jewish forces behind the ACLU; can you just say a word about that very briefly, what’s that all about?

Corsi: There has been a real union between Jews in America and the Democratic Party ever since President Truman agreed with the partition of Palestine and created the state of Israel in 1948 at the UN. But my book is arguing for a Judeo-Christian faith, which is the heart of America. We cannot abandon the Judeo-Christian tradition. If we do we are abandoning our whole values that are fundamental lynchpins of our freedom. (Source: "Corsi and Rios Explain How Evolution, the ACLU and 'Powerful Jewish Forces' Will Destroy America")
In essence, Corsi is making a truthful statement and then following that statement with information that is total nonsense. "A", "B", and "C" are true, and so therefore it follows that "D" must also be true. That is the line of logic that Corsi uses. 

It is true that Jews want to destroy Christianity (I will add that Jews want to destroy "genuine" Christianity, not Judeo Christianity). It is true that there is a "real union" between Jews in America and the Democratic Party (BOTH parties in reality are Jewish-controlled I will add) since Truman (and well before that I will add), and it is also true that "Judeo-Christianity" is at the heart of American culture.  Therefore (as Corsi asserts), America must cling even tighter to its Judeo Christian roots, which are (supposedly) at the core of American freedom and prosperity.

This is where Corsi and I must part ways. Judeo (or "Jewish") Christianity has not made America a "great country" however the term "great" can be defined. Yet, it is possible to assert that it did make America "materialistically prosperous." On that point, I will agree! America is materially prosperous because we have adopted the "mammon-worshiping" ways of the Jew which have been the controlling force of America pretty much since it's inception. 

Yet, with all the material prosperity that America has seen, it is also this aspect which is leading this country towards a potential catastrophic downfall much like that which was witnessed in 5th century Rome, the Greek and Persian Empires, and Babylon! Where then is the track record to prove that Judeo Christianity is the answer to greatness?

The answer to my rhetorical question is this: Those who live and behave as Jews are incapable of making the world one which runs in accordance to God's Word. Instead, what we have is a world full of wars, violence, and division rife with a mountain of God's curses upon this land which is in dire need of repentance and healing! That's what we now have!

Further discussion of the dangers of Judaizing can be found in my other blog entry called "Why Muslims are persecuting Christians in the Middle East". Please read it as well, in order to better discern the difference between genuine and fake Christianity! The life of your soul could well depend upon the information in that blog entry (as well as this one)!

Rios: I know that there are powerful Jewish forces behind the ACLU; can you just say a word about that very briefly, what’s that all about?

Corsi: There has been a real union between Jews in America and the Democratic Party ever since President Truman agreed with the partition of Palestine and created the state of Israel in 1948 at the UN. But my book is arguing for a Judeo-Christian faith, which is the heart of America. We cannot abandon the Judeo-Christian tradition. If we do we are abandoning our whole values that are fundamental lynchpins of our freedom. - See more at:
Rios: I know that there are powerful Jewish forces behind the ACLU; can you just say a word about that very briefly, what’s that all about?

Corsi: There has been a real union between Jews in America and the Democratic Party ever since President Truman agreed with the partition of Palestine and created the state of Israel in 1948 at the UN. But my book is arguing for a Judeo-Christian faith, which is the heart of America. We cannot abandon the Judeo-Christian tradition. If we do we are abandoning our whole values that are fundamental lynchpins of our freedom. - See more at:

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