Thursday, 13 June 2013

80s Speed Metal Band - D.R.I. on "Manifest Destiny" --> Link to Zionism?

D.R.I.  -- "Manifest Destiny" (1988) - from the "Four of a Kind" LP -- Lyrics:

Manifest Destiny
More blood on the hands of Christ
They called themselves Christians
And gave themselves the rights
Disguised as missionaries
They were really after gold
Many Indians died for that
How many's never told

Manifest destiny [x2]

Forever moving onward
Said they were guided from above
Actually driven by hate
Disguised as love
But all their false love
Can't disguise true hate
And the racist diplomacy
Of the church and the State

Manifest destiny [x2]

The church must be rich
With all that gold
But they'll never return
All that they stold
It sits in a vault
Built just for gold
And there it will sit forever
Because it never gets old

Manifest destiny [x2] 

My Comments:

I remember very well the day when the D.R.I. "Four of a Kind" album was released. I must have purchased it nearly on the day of its release in mid-1988. I also saw them live, and what a great show that was! I liked all the members of this band, but I have to admit that the legendary speed metal drummer (Felix Griffin) was the prime reason for seeing D.R.I. live! Even the drummer of Slayer (Dave Lombardo) held Griffin in high regard tipping his hat and bending a knee his way. 

Recently, I pulled out this D.R.I. album which I have not listened to in years, and decided to read the lyrics. 25 years ago, such lyrics did not have the same meaning as they do today. As I was reading the lyrics to "Manifest Destiny," it suddenly occurred to me, that the "Manifest Destiny" of the Protestant Christians in America (beginning in the 1830s) was indeed similar (if not parallel) to the Zionist movement of Jews to establish a nation state in Palestine in 1948. This idea that it was "of God's will" for Protestant Christians to expand across America (and to own it), is strikingly similar to the (supposed) concept "of God's will" for Jews to return to their historic habitat in Palestine. Those who understand the true concept of the "Israel of God" know that the 1948 nation of Israel is a total farce!

So, I did some online research, and found a fascinating essay called "Christian Zionism as a Representation of American Manifest Destiny," which was written by Lawrence Davidson (a Professor at West Chester University) in Pennsylvania (USA). This essay is an interesting read, because he shows the complex relationship between Judeo Christianity and the Zionist movement, as well as the comparison between the "Manifest Destiny" movement of the 19th Century in America to the more recent movement of Jews and their political aims which fueled their efforts to form the Israel of 1948. 

I will in no way attempt to rewrite what Professor Davidson wrote, so for those who are interested, please read his essay linked above. 

To summarize, here is a quote from Prof. Davidson's essay which sums up the critical points in his essay:

"Manifest destiny has always been a bloody and disastrous notion. In its American manifestation it has led to the killing of millions of native Americans, Mexicans, and Filipinos. Now, American political leaders resort to this ideology once more. Now, as in the past, they invoke God and religion to justify policies they proclaim as good but which in practice bring death and destruction to millions who remain invisible victims to those who are convinced of the righteousness of their cause. In effect, Bush along with his neo-conservative allies and Christian Zionist boosters have resurrected imperialism and colonialism as legitimate pursuits in the name of religion and security. In this new international order the United States and Israel go forward hand in hand, each actualizing these at once very old and newly devastating policies: Israel in the territories of occupied Palestine, and the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both try to hide the horror that results—the deaths of tens of thousands and the destruction of whole cultures—through the propaganda and ‘spin’ of a mutual admiration society that touts the notions of progress, democracy, and God’s will. Such is the allied legacy of manifest destiny: American, Zionist, and Christian Zionist." (Source: Davidson, Lawrence; "Christian Zionism as a Representation of American Manifest Destiny")
Those reading Prof. Davidson's essay should be able to notice the connection (and similarities) that have long existed between Jews and Judaizing (Judeo) Christians. The behavior patterns between each are nearly identical. I recently addressed this phenomenon in a previous blog entry called "Why Muslims are persecuting Christians in the Middle East." I also provided a link to the term - "Judaizer" which some Christians are familiar with, and probably many more who are not. 

The D.R.I. Manifest Destiny lyrics depict (Judeo) Christians behaving exactly the way Jews have been behaving for the last several thousand years! I bet D.R.I. did not know that when they wrote this song. It is for this reason why bands (like D.R.I. and others like them) take a dim view of Christianity! Could it also be that America's Judeo Christian past (and present) and her embracing of "Manifest Destiny" principles are the very reason why America is now going the same way that Jerusalem did in 70 A.D., and the way that Rome did in the 5th Century A.D.?

My job is to restore sanity to Christianity! Step 1 in that process is to abide by that which is written in the New Testament, which is to shed our Judaizing ways, and (for once) start living in accordance to Scripture. If that were to actually happen, then the hypocrisy and greed that D.R.I. wrote about would be a non-issue today.

A nice little extra --> A current video clip of (former) D.R.I. Drummer -- He has NOT lost his touch!!

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Jews financing LGBT Gay Pride Events

A list of the LA (Gay/LGBT) Pride Parade & Festival Sponsors:

42 Below
Wells Fargo
Equality Rewards
Barefoot Wine
Club Papi
Union Bank
Air Berlin
ID Lube
Whole Foods
After Party

Gay dot com
Gay Cities




Erase Doubt






-- global media sponsorS --

Same Same
Gay Star

 Source: LA Pride;

My Comments:

Those viewing the list above can see that there are some big players in the game known as the "diversity movement." And in today's world, the term "diversity" merely means the socialized acceptance of so-called alternative (and unbiblical) lifestyles which fall within the realm of gay, homosexual, LGBT, (or fill-in-the-blank...). 

While there were smaller or medium sized companies who were sponsors, the ones I believe to have been the largest donors were the big banks like Wells Fargo and Union Bank. We all know who runs or manipulates them! Jews, that's who. Yet, what I find interesting is that the Jews running these big banks are attempting to hide the fact that the big banks are indeed run by them.

The current CEO of Wells Fargo -- John G. Stumpf, is presented (to the public) as just another goyim. His wikipedia entry describes him this way:
"A Pierz, Minnesota native, Stumpf grew up as one of 11 children on a dairy and poultry farm.[1] His father was a dairy farmer. He is of full German descent and was raised Catholic.[2] Stumpf shared a bedroom with his brothers until he was married. Stumpf graduated in the bottom half of his high school class. His bad grades, combined with his limited family finances, resulted in Stumpf obtaining a job as a breadmaker in a Pierz bakery." (Source: Wikipedia; )
His online profile is that he was raised as a Catholic, and there is no mention of him being a Jew. The wikipedia profile for the Yahoo CEO read in a similar manner, only that one described her as a Lutheran. I've come to realize one of two things. Either (a) many CEOs of major corporations are "crypto Jews" or (b) they are "Jew-blessed" goyim who are highly manipulated by their hidden Jewish masters. It is one or the other no doubt. Just as Pres. Obama is a goyim (a "Muslim" supposedly) who happens to hold a "puppet" presidency, so too are CEOs in large corporations. Yet, behind the scenes, it is the shadowy Jews who are the genuine controllers.

According to "Subverted Nation" (run by Adam Austin), an online watchdog for Jewish crimes, Wells Fargo CEO John G. Stumpf is a confirmed Jew. I have also seen other sources online stating the same thing. By the way, Mr. Austin (a white southern American) has written a free online book about the "New World Order" (or better phrased as the "Jew World Order") which can be downloaded for free in pdf format here. Mandatory reading! He lists an enormous number of quotes right out of the ink pens (and mouths) of the Zionist elitist Jews themselves! My best bet is that Mr. Austin is a Military Veteran, as am I. His "high & tight" gives it away! He'll correct me if I am wrong.

While there are a number of other Jewish corporations (like Gelson's), one Jewish donor that particularly caught my attention was Cedar Sinai Medical Center! This hospital is blatantly a Jewish institution with its "Star of David" symbols adorned in various locations of its building(s). And as would be expected, their is little if any online information to indicate if the CEO (Thomas Priselac) is a Jew or not. However, many of the Cedar Sinai Board of Director members do have Jewish names. Many of their doctors and staff are Jewish as well. Any surprise there?

To me, it is problematic and hypocritical for any medical institution to promote the homosexual lifestyle merely for the reason that it is a known fact that homosexuality is a known and confirmed risk to good health and well being. At the same time, should we be surprised that money-hungry, greasy, (greedy) Jewish-run medical institutions care far more about bringing in new patients (i.e. a "money-generator"), rather than teaching people how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases by not engaging in dangerous homosexual practices in the first place? 

If so-called "medical care" revolves around funding spectacles like "LA Pride" parades with a record attendance of brainwashed Zombies (over 400,000 people estimated), who then engage in risky homosexual behavior, and then require medical attention, then I see this as a major problem with some serious moral implications!

Speaking of moral implications, the Torah condemns homosexuality, but then the Talmud permits it. I outlined this point in a previous blog entry. Why then do so many Judeo Christians continue to give moral support and money to the apostate nation of Israel and support to their Jewish masters whose only interest is to enslave them? 

As Christians, we know homosexuality is Biblically condemned by God in His Word -- The Holy Bible. Yet, so many Christians adoringly support the very Jews who promote homosexuality via Jew-owned Hollywood and other mediums. 

The only way for Christians to "break the chains" of the Jew World Order is to stop supporting it, and to obtain a proper understanding of Scripture and Biblical Eschatology. My book and blog is one place to start. Adam Austin's book (linked above) is another great starting point.