After reading a blog entitled "Durable Faith," I was inspired to write a few points in response to a blog entry entitled "For God so loved the zombies…" And in this entry, there are some definite truthful points. Read it for yourself if you would like to.
The part I agree with is this portion of text:
Before atrocities are carried out, propaganda and dehumanization are utilized to condition the masses to provide moral cover for the intended crimes.I agree with the point that the Jewish elitist establishment pushes the concept of "zombies" and is using it to first dehumanize the blind masses, and will then further justify any tyrannical actions they may decide to take from that point forward.
That process is well underway in the united states. Fema has a website that teaches how to survive a zombie apocalypse. A new show is coming out portraying abraham lincoln as a zombie hunter. The news is giving visibility to events where one person bites or menacingly growls at another. Flash Mobs are getting away with crimes and the news and law enforcement is making it clear that usually no-one is apprehended...
Now for the part which I disagree with:
What you can be sure of is that the chaos that comes with the killing of zombies serves their purposes, not yours, and not God’s.It is this part that falls into a category of what I will dub to be "liberal Christian" thinking. Certainly, it is true that the term "Zombie" is a derogatory or pejorative term, but I believe the term itself is appropriate to describe people who are blind mentally and spiritually.
There are no zombies, just unprepared, hurting, scared, hungry, desperate people. Some will be drugged, others will be feeling the effect of withdrawals. But make no mistake, they are still people Jesus died for.
From my orthodox and conservative interpretation, here is what I believe regarding Zombies. First of all, God did not send His Son Jesus to die for all people. He sent His Son to die for those who would believe and accept Him and His sacrifice on the cross! The number of people who love the satanic Jewish-run world far outnumber the number of those people who follow Christ and His Word. I expand on this point further below.
Dr. Jay Adams puts it this way:
In Acts 16:31, in response to the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your house.” Salvation is received by faith. When Scripture says that you must believe “on” (or “in,” or “upon”) Jesus Christ, it is talking about something more than mere assent. The Bible is clearly saying that you must depend upon Jesus Christ. But, what does that mean? It means that you must entrust your entire life, here and hereafter, to Him. It means that you must depend wholly upon what He has done, to be saved.
Dr. Adams makes a parallel point to my statement that Christ died for those who believe in Him. This liberal concept that Jesus died for everyone is simply not true. God is the God of the living, not of the dead.But what has He done in order to save? Jesus Christ died on the cross, bearing the punishment that was due to all who throughout the ages will believe on Him. He rose from the dead, giving evidence that God accepted His penal, vicarious sacrifice. The wrath of God fell on Him instead of them. All who trust Him as Savior have their sins forgiven. This is the “good news” that the apostles proclaimed around the Mediterranean world and that you are now learning in this blog. If you depend upon the saving work of Christ on the cross you will be saved. (Source: Dr. Jay Adams; "What Does It Mean to be Saved?")
And, I will contend that most (if not a mass majority of) "Zombies" are on the pathway to death. Sadly, there is little to no hope for these people! Does this serve God's purpose? I believe it does. Far more people are going to die, than that which will be saved. We may not know the exact number that will be saved, but we do know this much about the number of wicked ("Zombies") who will be lost:
27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; you are greatly mistaken.” (Mark 12:27 NASB)
8 and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. (Revelation 20:8 NASB)The number of wicked will be an infinite number (somewhat) equivalent to the number of sand grains on a (given) seashore! I interpret that to mean a massive and a huge number of lost souls! Did Jesus die for those lost souls? No! He died only for the sinners who through God's grace would accept Him!
One final point that I need to make which I referenced in a previous blog entry entitled "Why Libertarian philosophy & psychology cannot save you! " which covered this issue, but I will reiterate this critical point. That is, God actually blinds the "Zombies" who are blind. How do we know this fact? Consider these verses below:
8 just as it is written,The "Durable Faith" blog entry describing the "Zombies" as scared, unprepared, hurting, and desperate, are really (in many cases) just blind, decadent, and arrogant people who foolishly spend every dime they have on the latest bling, on alcohol/drugs, and many other useless things! These people are incapable of ever finding God, and for many of them, there is little if any hope.
“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
Eyes to see not and ears to hear not,
Down to this very day.” (Romans 11:8 NASB)
40 “He has blinded their eyes and He hardened their heart, so that they would not see with their eyes and perceive with their heart, and be converted and I heal them.” (John 12:40 NASB)
To summarize, God blinds those who do not have the heart to accept Jesus, and therefore, in so many cases, remain blind! If a liberal Christian wants to argue that God blinds Zombies out of "love" for them, then so be it! I will not be one to agree with such an ignorant statement! In my view, the term - "Zombie" is an appropriate term as any other pejorative term that we may use to describe the wicked or the lost souls.